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Posts tonen met het label ARI DX. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 27 mei 2017

ARI DX contest 2017

I had great fun with low power in the ARI DX contest.
This year it was not that easy, because of QSB.
But nevertheless I made a total of 11 QSO's with 8 mW up to 800 mW.

Sometimes the QSB (fading) made it very difficult. But it's also a sport to choose the right moment to answer the CQ. I start answering before my signal peaks to make the QSO. My signal has to be also  in the clear. In QSO number 3, the signal of LY3B went up slowly, so I had to listen very carefully to work him with 8 mW. For the QSO with I7PHH I had to wait for the signal to go up, to make the QSO when my signal peaked. Hi. In the last QSO with HA8GZ there was no QSB. But when I look back in my notes on paper, I see, that I heard many stations, that I have not work because their signals faded.

Excellent Ears
I met 3 very skillful operators with excellent ears in QSO number 2, 3 and 4.
YT1A with 80 mW, LY3B with 8 mW and RW3YA with 80 mW. Well done gentleman.
I am not the strongest station on the band, but when my signal is in the clear, these skillful operators with will answer my call, what ever my power may be. Hi. It is all a matter of propagation.

The table below shows the QSO's in chronological order in blocks of one hour.
The table shows the power that I used from QSO to QSO.
ARI DX contest - 14 MHz  - PA1B
Worked DXCC's
ARI DX contest 2017 - PA1B

zaterdag 3 mei 2014


General Vladimir Zaimov
I just started in the ARI DX contest.
This is an interesting contest for a low power enthusiast like me,
because this is a DX contest, so I can work any station, so many stations can be worked with low power.
For the first QSO, I selected the very strong signal of OM5WW and worked him with just 50 mW.

The second station was LZ69VZ.
I like stations with special calls, so I gave him a call.
After exchanging the numbers, something very remarkable happened.
I got a question. At first I though that I had to repeat my call.
And repeated my call. But the question was . . . .
So the question was: what power do you use?
I immediately thought, this must an operator, that had met me many time before and knows from my QSL cards that I often use low power. And indeed, the operator is Gosho LZ1ZF, who I meet in many contests.
I gave: 500 mW. hi

Thank you Gosho. My 1000 Miles per Watt QSL for LZ69VZ will be on his way in a few weeks.
If you hear Gosho, give him a call.