donderdag 2 november 2023

Funny and nice eQSL's


eQSL from Archangelsk. Hi.

Rig:            FT-817
Antenna:    End-fed

donderdag 2 februari 2023

HA-DX Contest 2023

I had great fun in the HA-DX Contest of 2023. I used my FT-817 QRP transceiver with CW on an End fed, that is fed via 300 ohm twin lead.

Strong signals
When I started just before 15 utc on 20 meter, I heard very strong signals. A signal of S9 can be answered with 1 W or 500 mW. But the signals were very strong: S9 + 10 dB. This gives the possibility to make QSO's with 80 mW or even 36 mW.
When I came on the band, I first looked for the stations that were received with S9 + 10 dB.

In the first two hours on the band I made 12 QSO's with 36 mW and 80 mW. All with search an pounce. (S&P) Only when I am sure the my signal is not heard, I will increase my power and try again.
The lowest power of my FT-817 with CW is 360 mW. This 360 mW is reduced to 36  mW with a 10 dB attenuator. My homebrew power attenuator of 10 dB

Later I made QSO's with 800 mW and 360 mW, when the signal strenght decreased.
When the band closed, I went to 7 MHz. After one QSO I decided to stop because it was too difficult.
My 2,7 W was not heard between all QRO-signals.

On sunday I started on 7 MHz with 2.7 Watt.
Later I went to 14 MHz to make QSO's with 360 mW, 800 mW and 3.6 Watt.
I use 3.6 W when my 800 mW is not heard.

My RIG: FT-817  (3,6W  -->  360 mW)
10 dB Attenuator to reduce below 360 mW.
Antenna: Storm or Wind proof End fed.

dinsdag 31 januari 2023

eQSL's from the HA-DX 2023

Here are some eQSL card from the HA-DX contest 2023.
The cards show QSO's that are made with low power or very low power.
The QSO's are made with more than 1000 Miles per Watt.

IK2UEX 36 mW 13446 MPW

IV3KKW 80 mW 6600 MPW
EA1WH 360 mW 1995 MPW

HG6O 360 mW 1930 MPW

OK7T 360 mW 1151 MPW

My RIG: FT-817  (3,6W  -->  360 mW)
I use a 10 dB Attenuator to reduce below 360 mW.
My antenna is a Storm or Wind proof End-fed.

donderdag 26 januari 2023


Toen ik vanmorgen naar Fitness ging, zag ik bloeiende narcissen.
Het is pas 26 januari en dan al bloeiende narcissen. Ongelofelijk.
Vanmiddag zijn we er nog even langs gelopen.
Achteraf denk ik, dat de narcissen "binnen" uitgekomen zijn en
daarna buiten gepland.
Maar toch leuk. Hi.

donderdag 19 januari 2023

Paper QSL Cards

Here I show a few paper QSL cards, that I received for QRP QSO's.

DR50AGCW op Tina DL5YL  

Fred DL5YM

Ian MZ5B

Fabian Kurz DJ1YFK - LCWO