Posts tonen met het label 9H1XT. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label 9H1XT. Alle posts tonen

zaterdag 24 mei 2014


Here are some eQSLs' from the last batch.
The QSO's are all made with QRPpp and while using the Lowest Possible Power.
QRPpp is the (not official) term, that I use for a power of less than 100 milliwatts.
Also known as two digit milliwatting.

Making QSO's with very  low power is not that difficult.
It´s all a matter of propagation.
The changes in propagation can be hugh.
So when the S-meter goes 20 dB up, the power can be reduced by 20 dB.

Look for a station that is calling CQ,with an earsplitting S++ signal.
Answer with low power, with the excellent timing, that you always use.
Don´t suspect anything, but be prepared, after you give your call.
Most of the time, other stations are answered.
But than suddenly, when the frequency is clear, then you will be heard.
It´s possible that you are surprised, that you hear your call, being send immediately correct.
And before you know it, you also get an exchange. What was that? What number did he gave? hi.

9H1XT    1205 Miles   3.6 mW   334841 Miles per Watt

IV3ZXQ   550 Miles   22 mW   25002 MPW

SM5QU   740 Miles   36 mW   20549 Miles per Watt

SV1ENG   1318 Miles   98 mW   13453 Miles per Watt

S56M   588 Miles   80 mW   7349 Miles per Watt

OE2008S   445 Miles   98 mW   4698 Miles per Watt
See me smile, from ear to ear, after such a QSO.