maandag 17 februari 2025

PACC 2024 QRPp

I participated in the PACC contest for a limited time this year.
Last year I had the experience, that a power of 360 mW works just as well as a full power of 3.6 W. hi.
So this year I started immediately with QRPp with 360 mW.

I made a total of 40 QSOs with 360 mW on 20 meters with CW on a end fed antenna.

Miles per Watt
Breaking the 1000 Miles per Watt barrier, sounds harder than it is.
After all, with 360 mW, each QSO over a distance of more than 360 miles (576 km) is a "More than 1000 Miles per Watt" QSO.

With a power of 360 mW and a distance of more than 360 miles in each QSO all 40 QSOs are good for1000 Miles per Watt.

In the table the QSO's are sorted by DXCC.
The QSO over the shortest distance is with a station in Switzerland (HB9) with a distance just over 360 miles.
The longest distance covered (3545 miles), was with a station in the United States (K) and gives 9850 Miles per Watt.

I didn't expect every QSO to yield more than "1000 miles per watt". Hi.

My CW was a bit rusty on using the bencher, after months of inactivity.
Furthermore, I have to hear every call twice, to copy it completely and preferably without errors.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Good morning Bert I too took part in the contest and made 55 contacts and had a great time. I practice each day with my CW and I can imagine not using the art for a while you would become rusty.
    73 and great results Bert.

    1. Hello Mike, Thanks for your respons. I was surprised the fact that every QSO was a 1000 Miles per Watt QSO. I started immediately with 360 mW and look what happend. Hi. Rusty, yes. But I was also still recovering from the flu. 73, Bert
