dinsdag 28 januari 2025

CQ WW DX CW 2024


At first I wondered, wheter I would join the CQ WW DX CW contest. Late in the afternoon I turned on the RIG and I listened for a minute.
When I heard the strong signals, I was immediately excited.

Very low power QSO's 
The first 5 QSO's were made in just 20 minutes with a power of 36 mW (1), 80 mW (3) and 3.6 mW (1), on Saterday afternoon.

Two digit milliwatting
On Sunday afternoon I used 80 mW to make an other 6 QSO's with S&P.

Then the QSB kicked in. So I had to use 360 milliwatt. And on occasion I made one QSO with 80 mW and one with 36 mW. 

Activity in the contest
A major contest offers a great opportunity to make QSO's with low power.
I had great fun with QRPp with 3.6 mW to 800 mW. All with S&P.
I also made 2 more QSOs with 2.7 W on 40 m, but the emphasis was on working with low power.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Good morning Bert very nice to be reading your posts again. Thanks for sharing how such small power is able to make contacts.

  2. Happy to note that you are still active in the cw QRP scene. 72 de F8WBD

  3. Hello Mike and Dick, after a periode of no activity, I very much enjoyed to work with very low power in the CQ WW DX CW contest. Thank you both for your nice words. FB. 73, Bert
