At first I wondered, wheter I would join the CQ WW DX CW contest. Late in the afternoon I turned on the RIG and I listened for a minute.
When I heard the strong signals, I was immediately excited.
Very low power QSO's
The first 5 QSO's were made in just 20 minutes with a power of 36 mW (1), 80 mW (3) and 3.6 mW (1), on Saterday afternoon.
Two digit milliwatting
On Sunday afternoon I used 80 mW to make an other 6 QSO's with S&P.
Activity in the contest
A major contest offers a great opportunity to make QSO's with low power.
I had great fun with QRPp with 3.6 mW to 800 mW. All with S&P.
I also made 2 more QSOs with 2.7 W on 40 m, but the emphasis was on working with low power.