maandag 13 april 2020

SAQ QSL card received

On the 24th of December 2018 there was a special transmission of SAQ in CW from Grimeton in Sweden on 17.2 kHz.

The transmitter is a generator that makes a power of 200 kW with a frequency of 17.2 kHz. The station has a huge antenna. The station was used 100 years ago to send messages in CW to North America.

I installed my VLF loop >> to listen to the transmission.
With  vvvv de SAQ  SAQ  SAQ  I was able to tune the loop.
With the loop tuned, the signal was strong

So I was ready to receive the message that would be transmitted.
But then when I moved the bread board, to make room for a sheet of paper
disaster stroke. . .>> , the circuit went dead, so I missed the message. 

But I sent in a report and was very pleased to received a PAPER QSL card.

SAQ Grimeton 200 kW on 17.2 kHz

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