zaterdag 5 november 2011


I took part in a major contest for the first time with the microphone.
In my entire HAM career I made a few phone QSO's on HF.
As a 100% CW operator this was a big thrill for my.

When I started, I did not know what to expect. The power of my FT-817 is limited
to 2.7 W, but I still managed to make QSO's in SSB. It was hard work with a fixed power.
In CW QSO's I often use the very low power, so I can always increase the power with 3 dB,
when my signal is not heard.
In this CQ WW DX contest I worked 17 DXCC countries in 29 QSO's.
In total 15 European countries, Canada and the USA.

Despite the large power, the QSO's with Canada and the USA are good for more than 1000 Miles per Watt. hi

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Well done, Bert. I'm not brave enough to even think of QRP SSB.

    73 Dick

  2. Hello Richard, I just tried. Sometimes is was difficult, when the other station copied PA4. ONE ONE ONE!!! hi. Both 14 and 21 MHz were great.
    73, Bert

  3. Welkom op SSB Bert....heb je 28 MHz niet geprobeerd? Toch een leuk aantal DXCC's kunnen werken met 2,7W, heel goed! 73, Bas

  4. Hallo Bas, Vandaag wel, met CW in de Ukrainian DX.
    Het viel niet tegen. 73, Bert
