vrijdag 15 juli 2011

TV tower in Hoogersmilde in the Netherlands collapsed

I live near the radio ad TV tower in Lopik, near the city of IJsselstein in the centre of the Netherlands. This tower can be seen on my QSL card. After a fire today in the tower, the radio and TV transmitters were shut down. The TV tower was built in the 60's. Aad PA0YA (SK) worked in the tower and tolt my how the tower was built.

As you can see in the Blog of Paul PC4T there was also a fire in the tower of Hoogersmilde, which was built to cover the northern part of the Netherlands.
This fire was much more dramatic, because it made the tower to collaps. This means that the northern part of the Netherlands is trown back in to the 50's with no TV and FM radio.

Aad PA0YA (SK) tolt me a story about the tower in Hoogersmilde.
Many years ago, a fighter jet almost hit the tower. At the last moment before the collision, the pilot turn the plane, but cutted one of the guy wires, with one of the wings. Luckely the tower did not collapes (then) and the plane landed savely at the base.

See the video in Paul's Blog

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Bummer....really bad for radio. Sorry to hear about that. I guess it's internet streaming for awhile now?

  2. John, I live in the centre of the country and the tower here is in good shape. The fire at Friday was caused by an overheated cable. The shut down was for safety. We watch TV via cable.
    In the city of Assen an auxiliary tower with a height of 100 m will be erected, to take over for the collapsed tower.

  3. Hallo Bert, hier geen onderbreking van het TV signaal gehad. Wij ontvangen via Groningen. Het is een misvatting dat de toren in Smilde het hele noorden dekt. Overigens dat met die straaljager was in 1968, mijn geboortejaar :-). Ben benieuwd hoe lang het duurt voordat de mast weer klaar is. 73, Bas

  4. Hallo Bas,
    Inderdaad de situatie is anders dan toen.
    Hier in Lopik was vanmiddag de spanning er nog af. Op de autoradio waren er nog ontbrekende stations.
    73, Bert
