There was enough activity on the band in the
CQ WW WPX CW contest 2018.
But not as good as last year, because of QSB.
I made 39 QSO's on 14 MHz and 2 QSO's 21 MHz.
I used S&P in all QSO's.
My antenna is an End Fed.
The conditions were to
bad for the power levels, that I use to work with.
The signals were not that strong and there was QSB.
Sometimes, by the time no other station called, and finally the frequency was clear. . . the QSB kicked in.
This is obvious a way to improve your operating skills. hi.
In this contest I did not make even a single QSO with less than 360 mW.
And by times 800 mW or 3.6 W was not even enough.
The loudest signal I heard was
S9 +10 dB, but I needed 360 mW to answer, in stead of the usual 36 mW. hi.
Last year I could make 2 QSO's with 3.6 mW.
Well, I did enjoy the contest.