zondag 22 juni 2014

Two eQSLs over more than 2000 Miles

RF9T  2080 miles and 800 mW gives 2600 MPW
In the batch of eQSL cards,
I received a card from from RF9T.

With a distance of more than 2000 Miles to UA9, its easy to make a more than 1000 Miles/Watt QSO, when I reduce the power below 1 Watt.

The eQSL card of RK9UE was received earlier and was made with even less power. hi

RK9UE  3126 miles and 360 mW gives 8684 MPW
1000 Miles per Watt is not as difficult as it seems.
When you hear a station over a distance of  500 miles (800 km), just reduce to 500 milliwatts.

dinsdag 3 juni 2014

PACC 2014

The PACC is the annual contest from the Netherlands.

In other contests I always work with search and pounce with very low power, but in the PACC
I operate by giving CQ myself. Most QSO's were made with the highest power of my FT-817.
Last year the top of my inverted vee broken during a storm. I repaired the antenna temporarily.
One wire lays on the roof. Still I managed to make more than 130 QSO's.

I notice a difference with this antenna but the differences  due to changes in propagation, are larger.
I made more than 130 QSO's with 29 different DXCC's, with less than 5 watts.

Because we had visitors I could not start at 12:00 utc.
I did not wake up early on Sunday.

 De top van de Inverted V hangt slechts een paar meter boven het dak, nadat ik hem weer
provisorisch opgehangen heb, na een storm verleden jaar. Een draad ligt gedeeltelijk op het dak.
Tot mijn verbazing maak ik nog vele QSO's met QRP en zelfs met QRPp.
Dit wijst er op, dat de propagatie belangrijker is dan de antenne.
Ik maakte 138 QSO's met 29 DXCC landen met 500 mW tot 5 W in de contest.
Bedankt voor de activiteit in de PACC.

As a milliwatt and QRPp enthusiast very much like the "DX contests" in which every one works every one.

OP1A  in the PACC  2011